Friday, October 19, 2012

Happy 23rd Birthday to me! (We are in 2012 now and I am still updating this! WOW!)

I hope you didn't choke while reading the title of this blog entry.

*flips hair*

Yes, I am officially ONE year older  YOUNGER!

Gosh, time flies! I remembered I was still celebrating my 21st birthday and it felt like it was yesterday. Time and tide waits for no man indeed.

Still, I had a real wonderful one with my besties once again. (They never fail to surprise me year after year! *Aww*)

Special thanks to Pei Wen, Miao, Xue Xin and Dessie for the effort in planning and spending time with me. I know that you girls must have been so tired after work, but yet you still made it .

It was indeed a pleasant surprise because I was only expecting a normal & simple meal.

Proceeding further will result in overwhelming hunger.

Nixeux's pan pizza:

The Ice Lemon Tea that tasted SO bitter (but of course we added syrup later on, lah. LOL)

My all-time favorite at Pizza Hut. Honey Chicken Wings!
Damn delicious, can?! It was a pity that I was so bloated after the meal yesterday and couldn't finish the last piece. What a waste!

My Shroom Pasta. Gosh, it was HEAVEN when I ate it.
I finished the whole plate!!

A completely random photo of the.. chilli flakes =_=

Damn it, now my stomach is grumbling.

Guess what? There was another group of people celebrating their birthday as well.
We were in the midst of having our meals when the lights suddenly went off. (I initially thought it was a blackout session. LOL)
It was soon followed by a line of Pizza Hut staff coming out and singing a chirpy birthday song at their table.

And Pei Wen still asked me, "You think it was us who did it for your birthday ah?"

I thought nothing of it and just carried on my meal.

However... ...

Nearing the end of our meal, the lights did go off another time AGAIN and this time it was...
 for ME!!
(They did plan it after all!!! Gosh! Hahaha)

The staff sang me a Birthday song and I was presented with a beautifully-lit chocolate cake.
A blessed moment.


The words "Happy Bdae" was written using chocolate syrup by the Pizza Hut staff! Aww, so sweet of them :)
I had wanted to lick the syrup, but I completely forgot about it. Gah.

Yeah, I was totally unprepared as I didn't put on my usual makeup.
In fact, I was close to zero makeup on my face...Gosh! And my buddies were busy taking my photo despite the unglam face. (Hahaha)
Promise me that you will still remain my loyal reader after seeing my non-makeup face, please! LOL.

(Photo credits: to Xue Xin)

Pei Wen's masterpiece (I swear she has a talent in gift-wrapping.)
It was flawless.

I almost couldn't bear to peel off the beautiful wrapper, but I was "ordered" by Pei Wen to open the present in front of their presence as she had wanted to witness my "first" reaction.

And gosh, I was blown away!

The first sight I saw when the wrapper was peeled off.
(Pei Wen must have spent a huge amount of time wrapping the layers!! So much that I didn't bear to throw away the box. It is still here with me! Haha)

Can you guess what it is, judging from the color??
(Hint: You will definitely know the answer if you are one that knows me well enough!)

A Domokun (a.k.a Domo) bag! OMG OMG.
I totally squealed when I saw it in front of my eyes. I totally didn't expect they (Pei Wen and Miao)
would get this for me!
I had my eyes on Domo bags for quite some time already, and I finally got it!
Oh man! I feel so loved... Thank you, thank you, thank you! :)

I had actually officially started using it today!!

A cute "Cat-in-a-cupcake" given by Dessie.
It was so thoughtful of her to have noticed one of my favorite cats, which I named Xiao Grey, from my Facebook album. Aww...I really miss her!

& she got this specially for me. Thank you! :) It will be a cupcake that I'll NEVER, ever be interested to eat. Hehe.

Xue Xin a.k.a Nixeux's pressie for me: Tattoo stockings and eye makeup palette!
I LOVE them and I totally can't wait to use them already!
(I am definitely going to upload a photo of myself once I use them)

Another gift from Miao and Pei Wen. They know I LOVE vintage stuff and I almost fainted when I saw this!
The container is so cool as well. I'm definitely going to keep it safe!

A priceless hand-drawn card from scratch. YES, my dear Pei Wen... I am so touched to receive this! Honestly, nothing beats such hand-drawn cards. It's so beautiful that I think it's perfect!
It is not easy drawing and cutting it as patience is required...
YES, I love, love, love IT!

I wanna cry!

Gosh, I totally looked unglam without makeup.
But I am just trying to emphasize on the Domo bag here!
Isn't it adorable?!

That's us!

A random photo of our... shoes? (Yes, it's a girl thing!)

Thanks for the wonderful chat, laughter and everything! I had a very fun night together with you girls.
You know what is the most valuable birthday gift of all?

It's the TIME we spent together.
I'm blessed to have you girls in my life!

And not forgetting my beautiful angels from my workplace!
Thanks for the Sakae Sushi treat.

AAAHH! This is so cute, isn't it??! (It's actually a thumbdrive in the shape of a microphone!! I couldn't believe it myself when I first saw it too. Hee!)

 Thank you my beloved Vaani angel! :)

And here's me giving you a Lady Gaga:

I have a very blessed Birthday and am a happy girl. Thank you to all my beloved friends for making everything possible.

Yeah, Happy Birthday to myself!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Its 2011!

Wow, I can't believe I just woke up and remembered I have yet to blog about my 2011's 22nd birthday this year! Its 11.48pm now as I'm writing this..

Anyway, just a quick one...There's a different twist to my 22nd Birthday. Not exactly in a good or bad way, but a special one. Unexpectedly, I spent the very first second of my Birthday in Universal Studios. (Yes, I managed to get a part in this year's Halloween Horrors as a scare actor, together with 2 of my very best friends, Pei Wen and Miao.)

I was so surprised when Pei Wen presented me with her gifts that she had handmade together with Miao. Oh gosh, was I touched! They had spent a looong time making it, and I can see that it requires a lot of effort! It is really one of the most sincerest gifts that I have ever been given. I love them and will always treasure their friendship! :)

Our colleagues at USS for the halloween event are very sweet souls. Even though we may not know one another well, they sang me a birthday song in our bus on our way home when they knew it was my birthday on that day of my rehearsal. Thank you so much!

I actually have many photos and eventful photos to share, but time is running out on my side. I'm trying to type as much as I could so as to keep running ahead of time and to publish this immediately.

Oh gosh, I will have to wait till next year again to post on this blog! See myself next year!! :D

Oh yeah, HAPPY 22nd Birthday to me! :D

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My 21st Birthday~ AWESOMENESS

Oh MY GOD, I can't believe another year is here again! AND I HAVE JUST TURNED 21!! People say its a "transition to adulthood", but I DISAGREE! (I still want my children tickets!!)
Well, anyway... I'm here to update this blog with yet another fascinating entry! (Its 11pm now as I'm typing, so I have to type fast before my birthday officially ends at 12am! Hahaha! Well, I only update this blog ONCE A YEAR, so I'll have to treasure this opportunity!)

Oh Gosh, my 21st BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION WAS A TOTAL, TOTAL AWESOME ONE. Initially, I still thought I was going to have a lonely birthday as I didn't had any plans, but my beloved MJ family and friends actually went through alot JUST to plan on a surprise birthday party for me!! I was so touched that I really felt like crying, I tell you!

It all started off when dear Hana said she wanted to meet me in my school, and she actually pretended that there was nothing on that day. We chatted alot, and it was soon then that she attempted to "lure" me to the BBQ pit area by asking me to bring her to it. Well, eventually I did...

SUDDENLY SOMETHING/SOMEONE POPPED OUT FROM BEHIND THE PIT AND SCREAMED AT ME! I was so taken aback that it took me at least 2-3 seconds to maintain my composure. HAHAHA! I screamed so loud (And not to mention that my hairs were all standing on ends!).

I ALMOST WANNA CRY when all my BELOVED friends started coming out from behind the pit.... It was most unexpected!! (I later found out that they had actually spent quite some time hiding behind the pit, and it wasn't easy for them to maintain in that position! Awww.. THANK YOU, guys, for going through all these for me...Although I did freak out when you guys screamed, but WELL.............It was a happy scare! Hahaha!!)


Xi Lei was the one responsible for "blinding" me. (At first I thought they were gonna smash cakes onto my face or something... HAHAHA!)

And when finally Xi Lei released my hands..... I was greeted with a beautifully lit-up cake as everyone started singing a birthday song for me....

THIS IS ACTUALLY A VERY, VERY special cake and I wanted to cry seeing it. They had actually chosen one of mj MJ cartoons which I had drawn, and used it as the "cover" for my cake. T__T

After the birthday song, the storm came!! YES, a storm of FLOUR! I was drowned in CORN FLOUR AND GLITTERS. Hahaha, it was so chaotic when I went screaming my lungs off and running off! Soon, we were throwing flour and glitters at one another. HAHAHA. And oh man, I looked like a ghost!

EVIDENCE PHOTO: HAHA (OH MAN, why do I look like I had a streak of blood tear flowing down my face! hahaha) But actually, it's just glitter!

Soon, they presented a present for me.... OH MY! It was the MOST, MOST wonderful gift I had ever received in my life. They had all handmade the large card themselves, writing on sweet messages, pasting on memorable photos and some MJ photos which they knew were my favorite! (I had it up in my room now, and my heart melts each time when I see it.) Those messages are so sweet... Awww <3>

Wani handed me her OWN BAKED cookie, with chocolate heart shape on top of it. OMG. It simply looked toooooooooo beautiful to be eaten!!! (How I wish I can store it forever! Haha) Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Hana (MY BELOVED MICHAEL), presented me with BANANAS and her written card. (If you are asking why bananas, well... There's a story behind it. HAHA!)
THANK YOU, DEAR HANA! You are so sweet!!!

After the cake-cutting and chaos, we went up to the KARAOKE ROOM (Moberly@SP) to have even MORE FUN... We sang, we danced, we shouted, we played, we went crazy.. HAHA, believe me, I have NEVER, EVER felt so crazy before in my life! Marie sang a series of MJ songs in her beautiful voice. IRFAN AND WANI prepared a special performance for me I was sooo touched beyond words that I went up to hug em'... T__T Oh my....
Before we ended our day, they sang me yet another birthday song again together... T_T (We even sang songs such as "WE ARE THE WORLD" and "HEAL THE WORLD" in harmony!! It was sooo touching during the moment. PRICELESS!)

However, good times had to come to an end eventually.. :(

Honestly, I DID HAVE A MAJOR BLAST during the party, and I ENJOYED it alot.....How I wish this day repeats forever! I have never felt such happiness in my life. Thank you for making my 21st birthday such a memorable one!!

(P/S: Special thanks to ABRIAL, a.k.a AH MIAO, for planning all these for me...I can never thank you enough!!)


Abrial a.k.a Ah Miao: Hey, Miao! :) No words can describe how much I LOVE you as my friend and classmate! You are so, so sweet. I really thank you for being a part of my life. (OH MAN, what did I do to deserve such a wonderful friend like you?!!) There is always a special place you hold in my heart. Thank you for planning all these just for my birthday... T_T *sniff* I will look forward to seeing you EVERYDAY in school. (despite your lateness! =P hahaha!!) Well, just joking! Anyway, may God bless you in everything you do!

Marie: Omg, you are really one amazing friend. (In fact, you are amazing in every way!) Its a blessing to have you in my life. Those memories we had and the secrets we share...They are priceless! *winks* And I'm sure we have so MUCH more to share together in future! :) THANK YOU for being a part of my life. I'm simply overwhelmed like crazy!!! I L.O.V.E Y.O.U!! Thanks for your sweet messages and also taking time in coming down for my celebration! *sniff* *hugs and kisses* Friends for life!!! <3>

- Hana: My dear Michael! =P Hehe. I can't wait to express how much you are loved by me! =p Thank you for my BANANAS (YAY!), handwritten card, sweet message and the photo of "us" together. Your gifts to me are sooo special! :) *hugs* You are one sweet soul whom I really appreciate in my life! <3>

Stella: Oh GOD. I truly miss you like crazy. I almost cried when I saw you! Haha... THANK YOU for making time for me. Yeah, my msg to you is very short because I am just...SPEECHLESS!!! You are a blessing in my life, and will always be. *hugs you like a madwoman*! Hope to meet up with you soon, and MAY GOD BLESS YOUR BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL soul!

Xi Lei: What a dear FRIEND! You know, chatting with you NEVER fails to brighten up my day. You have such a bubbly personality that I really adore! AND YOU KNOW YOU ARE SPECIAL!!! ;) Thank you for your looong sweet msg to me, your zhizhong is indeed handsome! Hahaha... Thank you for being a part of my life, and you will always be!! Awww.. I love you so, so much....!!!


Wani: AAAH! Wani! :) I was so touched when I saw you! I simply LOVE the mega cookie you had for me (Did you make it yourself? ITS too beautiful to be eaten!) I can feel so much love from it, together with the LOVELY msg you wrote for me! And ALSO the special performance you did with your brother, Irfan! You guys were great, and my mouth was gaping wide and eyes brimmed with happy tears when both of you danced! Thank YOU for preparing all of these just for me. I L.O.V.E Y.O.U more than words! Hehe. Its been a BLAST! Thank you for entering my LIFE!! <3>

Irfan: Hey Irfan!!! Oh God. It was such a blast! Though I'm drained in all the flour and such, but well.... I know they are flours of LOVE! Hahaha! Really, thank you so much for the performance you did with your sister, Wani. WOW is all I can say!!! I would definitely love to see more of it! :) And thanks for making time in coming down to celebrate my 21st, together with your beautiful msg! It WAS unbelievably amazing! *hugs*


Wativa: Aww, Wativa, you are sooo beautiful and lovely! I'm glad to meet you today. Sorry that I didn't get the chance to talk to you much, but I am sure there are future opportunities when I see you in future events! You are definitely someone whom I would love to have in my life! Thank you for your sweet message and such... !! *hugs* LOVE YA!!!~~


Tazdvil M Jackson: Hey Tazdvil! My sincere apologies for not having the chance to talk much with you too. I AM so, so touched that you came! May God bless your lovely soul and everything you do!!!! Hope to see you more in future events! :) Take care yeah!! *hugs*


Geraldine: Hey my DEAR GERI! I'm sorry to hear that you got caught up with work, but I really, really appreciate the thought and wishes! Its the thought that counts, and I can definitely feel your LOVE! You have been one great friend to me since Day 1 I knew you, and yes... I WOULD LOVE to see you again soon for future events! I will always treasure the memories we shared together! :) *hugs*


Nat: Yo, Nat! Really, really appreciate the thought too! I knew you had wanted to come down, but got held up. Anyway, I feel your LOVE! Thank YOU for your wishes and being a part of my life. Hope to see you soon. *hugs* LOVE YOU SO DAMN MUCH. :) *hugs*

AND a special message to Michael:

Oh man, oh man, oh man. Michael... Without you, my life would really have been very different! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to get to know sooooo many beautiful people here through you! You are MAGICAL in every way, and I will always have you in my heart..... <3>


(P.P.S: THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAD WISHED ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I HAD RECEIVED 60 plus birthday wishes through facebook,SMS, PMs, etc..) I am indeed blessed to be surrounded in such LOVE, and I greatly appreciate everything.







Monday, October 19, 2009

20th Birthday- In the year of 2009

Wow, I can't believe that time really passes so fast.. and now I am in the year 2009! And this is only my 3rd entry! (So in other words, it is the 3rd year I am celebrating my birthday on this blog!) =p Well, I can't wait to update this because I can only blog once PER year on this blog! How cool is that, LOL! I can see myself reading this in the many years to come. Hee hee.

The time is 10.24pm on 19th October 2009 as I am typing this. And this year is a different birthday for me because it falls on the first day of school! Well, and worse still, school started at 8.30am and ended at 4 pm. (Poor Pitrra still had to wait for me for about 4 hours in school!) I'm sorry, Pitrra, I'm so touched that you waited that long! Sobs.

=) Anyway, thanks to everyone who wished me a Happy Birthday today.
(Sis, Pei Wen, Pitrra, Si Ying (a.k.a SHREK) Chin Seng, Shi Yun, Si Ling, Dolphin, Gera, Zhong Hui, Zi Min, Jarod, C.T, Hui Min, Qi Ming, Yi Rong, Z.A, Edwin, Rachel, Xiao Shi Yun and everyone else in facebook!) Although I may not know some of them, but it warmed my heart that they sent me birthday wishes too. Thank you all! :)

Well, there is A LOT to blog about today, but I will TRY to make it short.. because I don't want the clock to strike 12 when I publish this. (Well, it will not be meaningful anymore then, right?! Hehe)

Well.. Firstly, to start the ball rolling... I WOULD LIKE to express special thanks to Wen, Ling and Yun for the really valuable and expensive MJ tribute book. I know it isn't cheap, and I was actually shocked that you all bought that for me! Thank you sooo much! Sorry that I have such an "expensive obsession" Haha.

On 17th October, I went for a morning photoshoot and met up with them in the afternoon at Dhoby Ghaut.

We shopped around and there were many funny incidents that happened. When we walked past a small shop in the shopping mall, I was actually stopped by an ang moh who suddenly grabbed my hand and filed my middle finger. LOL. He was actually trying to promote a kind of nail care product, lah. When he was doing that, he asked me about my age and whether it was my birthday. =_=

"How do you know?" I asked sheepishly.
"I know." he answered, and looked into the direction where I was holding a big plastic bag with the present inside. Haha. He was quite cute, though. And my dear friends were laughing their (#*$)#$ off.

To my surprise, he still remembered me a few hours later when we were about to leave the mall after our dinner. He waved at me from his shop and up the escalator. =_=

Ahh, anyway, enough about him. LOL. Here's a picture of the present I got from Wen, Yun and Ling. Thank you so much! ^__^

And here is me posing with it. LOL. Pardon my heavy eyeliner because I was having a photoshoot earlier in the morning. And this was taken at night when I got back home before washing off my make-up. HAHA.

On Monday (which is today. HAHA) , Shrek (SiYing) messaged me and wanted to meet up to pass me her present. I was expecting a bikini (HAHAHA.. Inside joke), but it turned out to be... ...
MICHAEL'S "UNMASKED"! I was still eyeing it on Ebay! Gosh. I went crazy when I saw it. Shrek kept scolding me "SIAO". HAHA. Ok I admit I am... When it comes to MICHAEL! =p THANK YOU SHREK. I KNOW YOU LOVE ME! HAHAHA.

I met up with dear Pitrra... (who waited for me for 4 hours in school!) and we went for dinner together. (Long John Silver) Hehe.

She gave me a cute "uglyworm". Hahaha.

At night, sweet old Chin Seng dropped me a surprise visit again to my house.. Just to pass me the present bought by him and Xiao Shi Yun! Gosh.. You are always one of the sweetest. THANK YOU!.

So nicely wrapped up! Haha. I'm keeping the wrapper =p~

And here is what's hiding inside:

A cutie pink "Miss Bean": LOL.. Don't it just make you wanna go "AWWW"!

Oh, and not forgetting the very advanced birthday present (A mango moisturiser from Body Shop) that dear Des gave me last month. Its still not forgotten, and I am appreciating it lots! =D Thanks! Here.. I am going to show off your beautiful hand-made wrapper.

When I got home from school today, I thought it was the end... Until my dad showed me a birthday cake that he bought.. How sweet... ^^

When I opened it..


And for the first time in the 20 years of my life.. (IM NOT KIDDING!) I successfully cut a cake into equal halves: HAHA.

Gonna meet up with Edwin and Zhong Hui soon too. :) Thank you all for making my birthday a memorabe one. I LOVE YOU ALL!

Till then, I shall blog my next entry in the year 2010!^_^

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I am really back- In the YEAR 2008!

Whee~ Yes! I am in the Year 2008 now, celebrating my 19th birthday!
There are 2 more hours before my birthday officially ends, so here it is - the 2008 entry!

Adapted from (My main Personal bloggie!)

In another 3 hours' time, my "special" day is gonna be over. (Gosh, time flies!)

*Updated again at 10.56PM*

In another 1.5 hours' time, my "special" day is gonna be over. (Gosh, time flies!)

Anyway, I had an enjoyable time today, as every minute and second seemed worthwhile.

I have many friends and families to thank on this special day, not forgetting Chin Seng and Pitrra for being one of the FIRST to wish me a Happy Birthday when the clock struck 12.

I was so super touched when Chin Seng started singing me a birthday song over the phone, with Pitrra and I breaking into laughter afterwards. HAHA.

In any way, THANKS! No worries, your singing isn't bad! :D Haha!
I'm gonna upload some of the prezzies I received, with lots of thanks!

Firstly, Wen had requested her hand drawn drawing not to be uploaded, so I respect that. But I am really touched by the drawing and letter she had for me! (FYI, she had drawn a cartoon version of Mr Bean! Gosh!) Its something priceless, and yet filled with sincerity. Thanks loads! I appreciate it. =D

Afterwhich, she handed me a prezzie from Carrot,

(Oops, pardon me for the quality of the pictures! =P~)

Yups! Its Doraemon! One of my all-time favorites.

Carrot, thanks for the doraemon you had given me. I just want to let you know that I did not blame you for not turning up today. I'm already happy that you remembered my birthday, and even specially got wen to hand me the present.

Yups~ its the thought that counts, and we will have chance to meet up some other time.

(Anyway, I have a feeling that you have a lot weighing on your mind these days... Are you in a state of unhappiness or anything that you need someone to confide in? I'm sorry if I had neglected you in any way, but you'll always have me to share your problems with. Forget me not, okay? Smile!)

Okay, now moving on to my next lovable friend, Satoru... :)

A beautiful necklace full of dangling gemstones, and the gorgeous-looking bottle was a souvenir from Hong Kong! How sweet!~

Yups~ Just to say I absolutely love them~ Thanks so much for accompanying me out for the outing. And just at this time of post, I received an e- birthday card from Satoru!

Thanks for being such a good friend, someone who is always there for me. I appreciate everything you did for me! *touched*

Thanks to wishes from SIS and GORDON!! *Scream* Wen, cousin QiQi and Irene, Si Ling, Seng, Pitrra, Benjamin, shiyun, Satoru, Carrot, Shrek, Zhong Hui, etc.

Hopefully I did not miss anyone out! -D

I indeed had a very special birthday today.

Father ordered Pizza Hut delivery today, (YAYness) and Wen came over! Had lots of fun playing PING PONG with the DS Lite.

*Lol, look at the "disastrous" state of the food*
Updated: Wow, soon after publishing my blog post, Chin Seng called me and told me that he was at my house downstairs! He came specially all the way, and gave me a friendship band, all hand-made by himself! FULL OF SINCERITY. Absolutely priceless. Will keep it close to my heart. Yeah, this friendship band will also mean... FRIENDS FOREVER! =D

Friday, October 19, 2007

My Official First Birthday Post To Myself:

Hi! Yes, my name is Catherine. I just created this blog in the event of my birthday. I think I am going to update it once per year? Haha, I know, it sounded weird, but this shall be my special blog whereby I can use it to record my yearly birthday. I shall start with this year, 2007, when I turn 18 today!

Its about 11 plus pm at night now, and in a few minutes' time when the clock strikes 12, I know my birthday's gonna be over. Thus, I came up with this weird but special idea to create a blog to mark my existence. =P~

Since I only have the chance to blog per year on my birthday, I shall grab good hold of this opportunity and wish myself a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY".
I love my friends, families and the people around me. Thank you for helping me celebrate my birthday, be it advanced or not. I really appreciate it!

Today, I got such a special surprise in school. Well, initially, I still thought that I am so gonna lead a 'boring' day at school as it will be so much like a typical day on my birthday. Of course, who wouldn't want to feel special on their birthday?

But my friends all proved me wrong! They indeed did make me feel special by giving me such a pleasant surprise. I celebrated my birthday together with an advanced birthday mate, and we had so much fun!

I was really touched when they suddenly shoved us each a present (Yes, a DOGGIE plushie cushion!) and even went all the way to buy us CHOCOLATE cake.
They wished and sang us "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" song. Haha, both of us were speechless by their sweet and nice actions. Its the first time I have been given such nice treatment! =D~ I really appreciate it, YES, everyone! Including those who sent me their well wishes via sms and MSN. I am so glad they remembered my birthday, and even my online friend, Jason. =) Thanks so much.

This part is adapted from my daily personal blog about my BIRTHDAY!

Today... .... 19th October, I still had lessons to attend at school. Argh! And I still have Presentation! I think I almost flunked it as I photoshopped my teacher's face and present right in front of him with my "photoshopped art".
Haha, fortunately, he can still smile and asked me where did I get his picture from. Aye, its from the school's website, lah! Haha.. and he was very surprised (Obviously he did not know that the school had posted his picture up there =p) he told me that he is gonna change his picture. =_= lol!
I am very happy today as my friends all smsed me their well wishes and am super touched that they all still remember my birthday! Well, thats not all... MY beloved daughters and also my classmates gave me and ah chiang (zi min) a birthday surprise. Well, Ah Chiang's birthday is just around the corner, too. And both of us had a surprise together.
This morning, they all went off a long way to buy us presents and chocolate fudge cake (YUMMY). I got a Doggie head, and ah chiang got a Doggie cushion. ^_^ (Ah Chiang like my doggie head! Wahaha) We were like super touched lor, when they all said Happy Birthday and sang us Birthday Song! I was stunned too as this was an unexpected surprise. My first time ever. Haha, Thankyou for everyone who had sponsored in this! Mainly Ah Ding, Dong, Wei Tyng, Li Ping, Carolyn, etc! Love you all to bits. *cry*
And tomorrow I will be going off to meet Pitrra, Shi Yun, Si Ling and Pei Wen for another birthday celebration! =D~ Its Shi Yun's birthday tomorrow, and at the same time, celebrating my birthday! Thus, I would like to take this opportunity and say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to Shi Yun!Just wanna say... ... I think I have had a memorable and unforgettable advanced birthday this year. Its so much different from other years as its my first time celebrating my birthday with Zhong Hui. He is such a sweet chap, lor! He met me out 2 days before my actual birthday (Its a pity we cannot meet on my actual birthday as both of us have late dismissals in school..sad). He told me he had surprises for me, and I was like SO SUPER looking forward to see what he has had in store for me. (WELL, I loveeee surprises!) On that day, he told me he would meet me at Breadtalk outside. I saw him, and started making my way towards him. Then, he suddenly flashed me a large white plastic bag, together with a cheerful "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" from him. I was so surprised and was like "AHHH~" But of course, thats not all, lor! There are so much more coming up. He told me he would be treating me dinner at a place he had found. (He refused to tell me where it is) Haha, until it was the time for us to fill our stomach, he led the way to his "secret attack place". LOL. Yes, it was SWENSEN'S! Oh my, I could not even afford it if I were to go eat there myself! The food there was superbly delicious! It tasted heavenly, I tell you. Especially the Salmon baked rice. If only I hadn't ate a bowl of tomyam noodles on that day (afternoon), I think I would've gobbled the whole plate of baked rice @ Swensen's. The taste is just... WHOA! It has a whole LOT of orangey "pizza-like" juice ALL OVER the rice till its sort of overfilled. Not only that, it has some Cheesy juices here and there. Just by looking at it, you'll think that the food is "WHOA till no words to describe". Yes, the moment I put it into my mouth, I could almost feel my happiness "rising into the air". (okay, I know I am exaggerating). I love cheese! And the cheese are so delicious that I can "pull" at the cheese strands using my mouth! But waste, WASTE! I left about 3% of the food as I was too full already. I was afraid that I may throw up if I had eaten one mouthful more. BUT if you were to give me back the food now, I can go on my knees and beg for that! =P (Okay, exaggerating again =_=) BUT I AM REALLY SORRY THAT I WASTED 30-40 cents of ZH's money! I hope that you will not mind! SOBS) I ordered the same stuff as Zhong Hui, together with a SOUP OF THE DAY specialty. It was ONION dunno what soup and well, ITS NICE! While having the food halfway, Zhong Hui suddenly turned around to open his bag, and FLASHED me another plastic bag. I was shocked that he gave me so many presents. (Haha, but he did not allow me to open the presents till he gave me permission to do so after our dinner). After having our dinner, he told me he still had one more surprise for me. He wanted me to close my eyes or look behind (Well, just don't look at him can already). I kept wanting to be spoiler but I respected him as it was his plan. Thus, I did not look at him. He got up and left. Haha, after a long while of his absence , I sort of got excited and started to call him on my handphone to see if he was ready or not. He told me "Yao hao liao, yao hao liao"...(going to be done soon) I said Okay and we hung up. Haha... After a short while, I felt him coming towards me, and I looked up. I was greeted by a pink strawberry cake with lighted candles. Super nice sight! The customers who were sitting near us looked, of course. Then afterwhich, Zhong Hui slowly made his way towards me, and sang me a birthday song with the cake. I was requested to make a wish. And I did. (Well, I shall not state out my wish here! Haha) I blew the candle, and tried taking photographs of it. The Swensen staff helped us to take using Zhong Hui's handphone. The service there at Swensen's is good, lor! When they knew its my birthday, the staff lighted up the cake again (for picture taking as I blew the candles out before it *blushes*) THEN, THE SWENSEN'S WAITERS AND WAITRESSES ALL STOOD AND SANG ME A BIRTHDAY SONG AS THEY CLAPPED! OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS! THATS REALLY.... *sobs sobs* I was telling Zhong Hui jokingly that I wonder how much they will charge us for service when the bill comes later.LOL. Haha, I guess the best part is not here yet. PRESENTS OPENING TIME! *glee* Zhong Hui finally gave me the permission to open my presents! Well, for the big one when he first gave me, I already guessed its a soft toy as it feels soft. Haa. =P~ I opened the wrapper and Zhong Hui helped me to take out the soft toy. Its a 14 inch bear bear, which we named it "Xiao Bei", as I have a "Xiao Bao" bear with me @ my house. Xiao Bao and XIao Bei together will be "Xiao Bao Bei"! Isn't that sweet? Haha. =D~ Ok ok, lets carry on to my next present. He told me to be careful while opening the next one as its fragile. (its heavy, too). He helped me to take out the item, and I saw it was a bottle shaped like a bear. In it was filled with nice decorations and PAPER STARS. What's most special about those stars is that he told me he made them himself (except for a few that are already ready-made, LOL). He said he did not know how to make it initially (and he never do it before) and specially asked his friend to teach him how to make one. He had spent a lot of time in dedicating the making of stars for me as some he had thrown away as he think not nice. He would spend at least 2 hours in making those. I was really touched by the gift of sincerity. Thank you so much. This is the most valuable present I have received...Sobs. He even gave me a nice box, accompanied by a light pink and golden shiny pouch in it. I opened it and pulled open the pouch, fished out a handphone chain with my name on it. There was a 4 leaf clover attached to it too. There was also a handmade card (YES, DRAWN BY HIM) and inside it was a super long message for me. CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW MUCH TIME, MONEY AND EFFORT he had put in to make my birthday such a NICE one? Its really wonderful and perfect. Its the best birthday anyone will wish to have. And this wouldn't come true if not for Zhong Hui. Thank you so much. I know you know that I really appreciate everything.

Thats Zhong Hui and me celebrating my advanced birthday. Thats the Exxx birthday cake he got for me while celebrating at Swensen's. Once again, thank you so much for the lovely and super expensive treat! =)

Oh my~ Do I always look like this when I am surprised and shocked?! I am speechless... ...

Thank you Chin Seng, Si Ling, Shi Yun, Pei Wen, Pitrra, Jason, Zhong Hui, my class 01 and 02 classmates for their well wishes. I've had such a splendid 2007 18th birthday today.
The next time I update this blog, I shall be celebrating my 19th Birthday. Hopefully you all will remember to check out this blog again! See ya in 1 yr's time! =D

P/S: I am so gonna enjoy reading my own blog as I look back a few years later...^_^