Sunday, October 19, 2008

I am really back- In the YEAR 2008!

Whee~ Yes! I am in the Year 2008 now, celebrating my 19th birthday!
There are 2 more hours before my birthday officially ends, so here it is - the 2008 entry!

Adapted from (My main Personal bloggie!)

In another 3 hours' time, my "special" day is gonna be over. (Gosh, time flies!)

*Updated again at 10.56PM*

In another 1.5 hours' time, my "special" day is gonna be over. (Gosh, time flies!)

Anyway, I had an enjoyable time today, as every minute and second seemed worthwhile.

I have many friends and families to thank on this special day, not forgetting Chin Seng and Pitrra for being one of the FIRST to wish me a Happy Birthday when the clock struck 12.

I was so super touched when Chin Seng started singing me a birthday song over the phone, with Pitrra and I breaking into laughter afterwards. HAHA.

In any way, THANKS! No worries, your singing isn't bad! :D Haha!
I'm gonna upload some of the prezzies I received, with lots of thanks!

Firstly, Wen had requested her hand drawn drawing not to be uploaded, so I respect that. But I am really touched by the drawing and letter she had for me! (FYI, she had drawn a cartoon version of Mr Bean! Gosh!) Its something priceless, and yet filled with sincerity. Thanks loads! I appreciate it. =D

Afterwhich, she handed me a prezzie from Carrot,

(Oops, pardon me for the quality of the pictures! =P~)

Yups! Its Doraemon! One of my all-time favorites.

Carrot, thanks for the doraemon you had given me. I just want to let you know that I did not blame you for not turning up today. I'm already happy that you remembered my birthday, and even specially got wen to hand me the present.

Yups~ its the thought that counts, and we will have chance to meet up some other time.

(Anyway, I have a feeling that you have a lot weighing on your mind these days... Are you in a state of unhappiness or anything that you need someone to confide in? I'm sorry if I had neglected you in any way, but you'll always have me to share your problems with. Forget me not, okay? Smile!)

Okay, now moving on to my next lovable friend, Satoru... :)

A beautiful necklace full of dangling gemstones, and the gorgeous-looking bottle was a souvenir from Hong Kong! How sweet!~

Yups~ Just to say I absolutely love them~ Thanks so much for accompanying me out for the outing. And just at this time of post, I received an e- birthday card from Satoru!

Thanks for being such a good friend, someone who is always there for me. I appreciate everything you did for me! *touched*

Thanks to wishes from SIS and GORDON!! *Scream* Wen, cousin QiQi and Irene, Si Ling, Seng, Pitrra, Benjamin, shiyun, Satoru, Carrot, Shrek, Zhong Hui, etc.

Hopefully I did not miss anyone out! -D

I indeed had a very special birthday today.

Father ordered Pizza Hut delivery today, (YAYness) and Wen came over! Had lots of fun playing PING PONG with the DS Lite.

*Lol, look at the "disastrous" state of the food*
Updated: Wow, soon after publishing my blog post, Chin Seng called me and told me that he was at my house downstairs! He came specially all the way, and gave me a friendship band, all hand-made by himself! FULL OF SINCERITY. Absolutely priceless. Will keep it close to my heart. Yeah, this friendship band will also mean... FRIENDS FOREVER! =D

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