Friday, October 19, 2007

My Official First Birthday Post To Myself:

Hi! Yes, my name is Catherine. I just created this blog in the event of my birthday. I think I am going to update it once per year? Haha, I know, it sounded weird, but this shall be my special blog whereby I can use it to record my yearly birthday. I shall start with this year, 2007, when I turn 18 today!

Its about 11 plus pm at night now, and in a few minutes' time when the clock strikes 12, I know my birthday's gonna be over. Thus, I came up with this weird but special idea to create a blog to mark my existence. =P~

Since I only have the chance to blog per year on my birthday, I shall grab good hold of this opportunity and wish myself a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY".
I love my friends, families and the people around me. Thank you for helping me celebrate my birthday, be it advanced or not. I really appreciate it!

Today, I got such a special surprise in school. Well, initially, I still thought that I am so gonna lead a 'boring' day at school as it will be so much like a typical day on my birthday. Of course, who wouldn't want to feel special on their birthday?

But my friends all proved me wrong! They indeed did make me feel special by giving me such a pleasant surprise. I celebrated my birthday together with an advanced birthday mate, and we had so much fun!

I was really touched when they suddenly shoved us each a present (Yes, a DOGGIE plushie cushion!) and even went all the way to buy us CHOCOLATE cake.
They wished and sang us "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" song. Haha, both of us were speechless by their sweet and nice actions. Its the first time I have been given such nice treatment! =D~ I really appreciate it, YES, everyone! Including those who sent me their well wishes via sms and MSN. I am so glad they remembered my birthday, and even my online friend, Jason. =) Thanks so much.

This part is adapted from my daily personal blog about my BIRTHDAY!

Today... .... 19th October, I still had lessons to attend at school. Argh! And I still have Presentation! I think I almost flunked it as I photoshopped my teacher's face and present right in front of him with my "photoshopped art".
Haha, fortunately, he can still smile and asked me where did I get his picture from. Aye, its from the school's website, lah! Haha.. and he was very surprised (Obviously he did not know that the school had posted his picture up there =p) he told me that he is gonna change his picture. =_= lol!
I am very happy today as my friends all smsed me their well wishes and am super touched that they all still remember my birthday! Well, thats not all... MY beloved daughters and also my classmates gave me and ah chiang (zi min) a birthday surprise. Well, Ah Chiang's birthday is just around the corner, too. And both of us had a surprise together.
This morning, they all went off a long way to buy us presents and chocolate fudge cake (YUMMY). I got a Doggie head, and ah chiang got a Doggie cushion. ^_^ (Ah Chiang like my doggie head! Wahaha) We were like super touched lor, when they all said Happy Birthday and sang us Birthday Song! I was stunned too as this was an unexpected surprise. My first time ever. Haha, Thankyou for everyone who had sponsored in this! Mainly Ah Ding, Dong, Wei Tyng, Li Ping, Carolyn, etc! Love you all to bits. *cry*
And tomorrow I will be going off to meet Pitrra, Shi Yun, Si Ling and Pei Wen for another birthday celebration! =D~ Its Shi Yun's birthday tomorrow, and at the same time, celebrating my birthday! Thus, I would like to take this opportunity and say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to Shi Yun!Just wanna say... ... I think I have had a memorable and unforgettable advanced birthday this year. Its so much different from other years as its my first time celebrating my birthday with Zhong Hui. He is such a sweet chap, lor! He met me out 2 days before my actual birthday (Its a pity we cannot meet on my actual birthday as both of us have late dismissals in school..sad). He told me he had surprises for me, and I was like SO SUPER looking forward to see what he has had in store for me. (WELL, I loveeee surprises!) On that day, he told me he would meet me at Breadtalk outside. I saw him, and started making my way towards him. Then, he suddenly flashed me a large white plastic bag, together with a cheerful "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" from him. I was so surprised and was like "AHHH~" But of course, thats not all, lor! There are so much more coming up. He told me he would be treating me dinner at a place he had found. (He refused to tell me where it is) Haha, until it was the time for us to fill our stomach, he led the way to his "secret attack place". LOL. Yes, it was SWENSEN'S! Oh my, I could not even afford it if I were to go eat there myself! The food there was superbly delicious! It tasted heavenly, I tell you. Especially the Salmon baked rice. If only I hadn't ate a bowl of tomyam noodles on that day (afternoon), I think I would've gobbled the whole plate of baked rice @ Swensen's. The taste is just... WHOA! It has a whole LOT of orangey "pizza-like" juice ALL OVER the rice till its sort of overfilled. Not only that, it has some Cheesy juices here and there. Just by looking at it, you'll think that the food is "WHOA till no words to describe". Yes, the moment I put it into my mouth, I could almost feel my happiness "rising into the air". (okay, I know I am exaggerating). I love cheese! And the cheese are so delicious that I can "pull" at the cheese strands using my mouth! But waste, WASTE! I left about 3% of the food as I was too full already. I was afraid that I may throw up if I had eaten one mouthful more. BUT if you were to give me back the food now, I can go on my knees and beg for that! =P (Okay, exaggerating again =_=) BUT I AM REALLY SORRY THAT I WASTED 30-40 cents of ZH's money! I hope that you will not mind! SOBS) I ordered the same stuff as Zhong Hui, together with a SOUP OF THE DAY specialty. It was ONION dunno what soup and well, ITS NICE! While having the food halfway, Zhong Hui suddenly turned around to open his bag, and FLASHED me another plastic bag. I was shocked that he gave me so many presents. (Haha, but he did not allow me to open the presents till he gave me permission to do so after our dinner). After having our dinner, he told me he still had one more surprise for me. He wanted me to close my eyes or look behind (Well, just don't look at him can already). I kept wanting to be spoiler but I respected him as it was his plan. Thus, I did not look at him. He got up and left. Haha, after a long while of his absence , I sort of got excited and started to call him on my handphone to see if he was ready or not. He told me "Yao hao liao, yao hao liao"...(going to be done soon) I said Okay and we hung up. Haha... After a short while, I felt him coming towards me, and I looked up. I was greeted by a pink strawberry cake with lighted candles. Super nice sight! The customers who were sitting near us looked, of course. Then afterwhich, Zhong Hui slowly made his way towards me, and sang me a birthday song with the cake. I was requested to make a wish. And I did. (Well, I shall not state out my wish here! Haha) I blew the candle, and tried taking photographs of it. The Swensen staff helped us to take using Zhong Hui's handphone. The service there at Swensen's is good, lor! When they knew its my birthday, the staff lighted up the cake again (for picture taking as I blew the candles out before it *blushes*) THEN, THE SWENSEN'S WAITERS AND WAITRESSES ALL STOOD AND SANG ME A BIRTHDAY SONG AS THEY CLAPPED! OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS! THATS REALLY.... *sobs sobs* I was telling Zhong Hui jokingly that I wonder how much they will charge us for service when the bill comes later.LOL. Haha, I guess the best part is not here yet. PRESENTS OPENING TIME! *glee* Zhong Hui finally gave me the permission to open my presents! Well, for the big one when he first gave me, I already guessed its a soft toy as it feels soft. Haa. =P~ I opened the wrapper and Zhong Hui helped me to take out the soft toy. Its a 14 inch bear bear, which we named it "Xiao Bei", as I have a "Xiao Bao" bear with me @ my house. Xiao Bao and XIao Bei together will be "Xiao Bao Bei"! Isn't that sweet? Haha. =D~ Ok ok, lets carry on to my next present. He told me to be careful while opening the next one as its fragile. (its heavy, too). He helped me to take out the item, and I saw it was a bottle shaped like a bear. In it was filled with nice decorations and PAPER STARS. What's most special about those stars is that he told me he made them himself (except for a few that are already ready-made, LOL). He said he did not know how to make it initially (and he never do it before) and specially asked his friend to teach him how to make one. He had spent a lot of time in dedicating the making of stars for me as some he had thrown away as he think not nice. He would spend at least 2 hours in making those. I was really touched by the gift of sincerity. Thank you so much. This is the most valuable present I have received...Sobs. He even gave me a nice box, accompanied by a light pink and golden shiny pouch in it. I opened it and pulled open the pouch, fished out a handphone chain with my name on it. There was a 4 leaf clover attached to it too. There was also a handmade card (YES, DRAWN BY HIM) and inside it was a super long message for me. CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW MUCH TIME, MONEY AND EFFORT he had put in to make my birthday such a NICE one? Its really wonderful and perfect. Its the best birthday anyone will wish to have. And this wouldn't come true if not for Zhong Hui. Thank you so much. I know you know that I really appreciate everything.

Thats Zhong Hui and me celebrating my advanced birthday. Thats the Exxx birthday cake he got for me while celebrating at Swensen's. Once again, thank you so much for the lovely and super expensive treat! =)

Oh my~ Do I always look like this when I am surprised and shocked?! I am speechless... ...

Thank you Chin Seng, Si Ling, Shi Yun, Pei Wen, Pitrra, Jason, Zhong Hui, my class 01 and 02 classmates for their well wishes. I've had such a splendid 2007 18th birthday today.
The next time I update this blog, I shall be celebrating my 19th Birthday. Hopefully you all will remember to check out this blog again! See ya in 1 yr's time! =D

P/S: I am so gonna enjoy reading my own blog as I look back a few years later...^_^

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