Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Its 2011!

Wow, I can't believe I just woke up and remembered I have yet to blog about my 2011's 22nd birthday this year! Its 11.48pm now as I'm writing this..

Anyway, just a quick one...There's a different twist to my 22nd Birthday. Not exactly in a good or bad way, but a special one. Unexpectedly, I spent the very first second of my Birthday in Universal Studios. (Yes, I managed to get a part in this year's Halloween Horrors as a scare actor, together with 2 of my very best friends, Pei Wen and Miao.)

I was so surprised when Pei Wen presented me with her gifts that she had handmade together with Miao. Oh gosh, was I touched! They had spent a looong time making it, and I can see that it requires a lot of effort! It is really one of the most sincerest gifts that I have ever been given. I love them and will always treasure their friendship! :)

Our colleagues at USS for the halloween event are very sweet souls. Even though we may not know one another well, they sang me a birthday song in our bus on our way home when they knew it was my birthday on that day of my rehearsal. Thank you so much!

I actually have many photos and eventful photos to share, but time is running out on my side. I'm trying to type as much as I could so as to keep running ahead of time and to publish this immediately.

Oh gosh, I will have to wait till next year again to post on this blog! See myself next year!! :D

Oh yeah, HAPPY 22nd Birthday to me! :D

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