Friday, October 19, 2012

Happy 23rd Birthday to me! (We are in 2012 now and I am still updating this! WOW!)

I hope you didn't choke while reading the title of this blog entry.

*flips hair*

Yes, I am officially ONE year older  YOUNGER!

Gosh, time flies! I remembered I was still celebrating my 21st birthday and it felt like it was yesterday. Time and tide waits for no man indeed.

Still, I had a real wonderful one with my besties once again. (They never fail to surprise me year after year! *Aww*)

Special thanks to Pei Wen, Miao, Xue Xin and Dessie for the effort in planning and spending time with me. I know that you girls must have been so tired after work, but yet you still made it .

It was indeed a pleasant surprise because I was only expecting a normal & simple meal.

Proceeding further will result in overwhelming hunger.

Nixeux's pan pizza:

The Ice Lemon Tea that tasted SO bitter (but of course we added syrup later on, lah. LOL)

My all-time favorite at Pizza Hut. Honey Chicken Wings!
Damn delicious, can?! It was a pity that I was so bloated after the meal yesterday and couldn't finish the last piece. What a waste!

My Shroom Pasta. Gosh, it was HEAVEN when I ate it.
I finished the whole plate!!

A completely random photo of the.. chilli flakes =_=

Damn it, now my stomach is grumbling.

Guess what? There was another group of people celebrating their birthday as well.
We were in the midst of having our meals when the lights suddenly went off. (I initially thought it was a blackout session. LOL)
It was soon followed by a line of Pizza Hut staff coming out and singing a chirpy birthday song at their table.

And Pei Wen still asked me, "You think it was us who did it for your birthday ah?"

I thought nothing of it and just carried on my meal.

However... ...

Nearing the end of our meal, the lights did go off another time AGAIN and this time it was...
 for ME!!
(They did plan it after all!!! Gosh! Hahaha)

The staff sang me a Birthday song and I was presented with a beautifully-lit chocolate cake.
A blessed moment.


The words "Happy Bdae" was written using chocolate syrup by the Pizza Hut staff! Aww, so sweet of them :)
I had wanted to lick the syrup, but I completely forgot about it. Gah.

Yeah, I was totally unprepared as I didn't put on my usual makeup.
In fact, I was close to zero makeup on my face...Gosh! And my buddies were busy taking my photo despite the unglam face. (Hahaha)
Promise me that you will still remain my loyal reader after seeing my non-makeup face, please! LOL.

(Photo credits: to Xue Xin)

Pei Wen's masterpiece (I swear she has a talent in gift-wrapping.)
It was flawless.

I almost couldn't bear to peel off the beautiful wrapper, but I was "ordered" by Pei Wen to open the present in front of their presence as she had wanted to witness my "first" reaction.

And gosh, I was blown away!

The first sight I saw when the wrapper was peeled off.
(Pei Wen must have spent a huge amount of time wrapping the layers!! So much that I didn't bear to throw away the box. It is still here with me! Haha)

Can you guess what it is, judging from the color??
(Hint: You will definitely know the answer if you are one that knows me well enough!)

A Domokun (a.k.a Domo) bag! OMG OMG.
I totally squealed when I saw it in front of my eyes. I totally didn't expect they (Pei Wen and Miao)
would get this for me!
I had my eyes on Domo bags for quite some time already, and I finally got it!
Oh man! I feel so loved... Thank you, thank you, thank you! :)

I had actually officially started using it today!!

A cute "Cat-in-a-cupcake" given by Dessie.
It was so thoughtful of her to have noticed one of my favorite cats, which I named Xiao Grey, from my Facebook album. Aww...I really miss her!

& she got this specially for me. Thank you! :) It will be a cupcake that I'll NEVER, ever be interested to eat. Hehe.

Xue Xin a.k.a Nixeux's pressie for me: Tattoo stockings and eye makeup palette!
I LOVE them and I totally can't wait to use them already!
(I am definitely going to upload a photo of myself once I use them)

Another gift from Miao and Pei Wen. They know I LOVE vintage stuff and I almost fainted when I saw this!
The container is so cool as well. I'm definitely going to keep it safe!

A priceless hand-drawn card from scratch. YES, my dear Pei Wen... I am so touched to receive this! Honestly, nothing beats such hand-drawn cards. It's so beautiful that I think it's perfect!
It is not easy drawing and cutting it as patience is required...
YES, I love, love, love IT!

I wanna cry!

Gosh, I totally looked unglam without makeup.
But I am just trying to emphasize on the Domo bag here!
Isn't it adorable?!

That's us!

A random photo of our... shoes? (Yes, it's a girl thing!)

Thanks for the wonderful chat, laughter and everything! I had a very fun night together with you girls.
You know what is the most valuable birthday gift of all?

It's the TIME we spent together.
I'm blessed to have you girls in my life!

And not forgetting my beautiful angels from my workplace!
Thanks for the Sakae Sushi treat.

AAAHH! This is so cute, isn't it??! (It's actually a thumbdrive in the shape of a microphone!! I couldn't believe it myself when I first saw it too. Hee!)

 Thank you my beloved Vaani angel! :)

And here's me giving you a Lady Gaga:

I have a very blessed Birthday and am a happy girl. Thank you to all my beloved friends for making everything possible.

Yeah, Happy Birthday to myself!!